Sutton, Alfred Martin, Dr.
M.D. F.R.C.S. Born in May 1859 in Nottingham England Came in monthly from Nicola in the early days. Used to be in Guys Hospital Lodnon. In California in 1930. He was here before the great Flood of 1894. Nicola Valley Historical Quarterly July 1991. Dr. Sutton suffered loss of hearing. He visited Nicola 1893 and liked the place and his hearing improved so much that he styaed on. Appointed resident physician June 1893, his territory from Granite Creek to Stump Lake, Spence’s Brideg to Douglas Lake. He was app. J. Peace. Member Anglican Church St. John Baptist, Nicola Lake. His hobby was photography (see N.V.Archives) Close friends of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Thyne, Otter Lake. 1902 left Nicola to go to San Jose became optomotrist . Moved to Pacific Grove then to Santa Cruz, 1939 moved to San Diego. He passed away October 8, 1941
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