Title: 92H007-1943-D-T
Copper Mountain Crushing Plant Topographic Survey
Title: 92H007-1926-D-T
Copper Mountain Geology shows Mineral Claims and age of rock.
Title: 92H007-1941-F-CM
Subdivisions in Princeton and Vicinity – 2 copies.
Title: 92H007-No Date-D-LA
Town of Princeton and 20 mile plus radius showing lots. Probably dates from circa 1905 (from research of surveyor). Shows Granite Creek and trails in area and old creek names based on distance from Princeton.
Title: 92H007-1941-F-CM
Subdivisions in Princeton and Vicinity – very poor copy of 92H007.034. This one marked “BC & Yukon Division, National War Finance Committee, Unit #26” – 2 copies.
Title: 92H007-1961-D-CM
Plan of Subdivision of Part B 3030, D.L. 706 – Panorama Cres and Mayne Ave. area – 7 copies
Title: 92H007-NODATE-F-CM
Copper Mountain Townsite Plan shows mineral claims, buildings, sewer, water and steam lines etc. – similar to 92H007.105.
Title: 92H007-1943-F-CM
Plan of Copper Mountain Townsite showing Water Lines – shows mineral claims also. 2 copies
Title: 92H007-1954-F-CM
Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Co. Ltd. -Plan of Copper Mountain Townsite showing Water Lines – shows mineral claims also.