Title: 92H007-No Date-F-CM
Town of Princeton – 2 copies each with different blocks coloured in with marker. No legend.
Title: 92H007-No Date-F-CM
Town of Princeton – Palmer Street and east, Tulameen River and south
Title: 92H007-No Date-F-CM
Town of Princeton – Flood plain, dykes, banks and Gravel. Legend on separate sheet of paper enclosed.
Title: 92H007-1978-F-CM
Town of Princeton – translucent plastic- BCGS 92H 048
Title: 92H007-1926-C-CM
Downtown Princeton – Set of 6 sheets, most not numbered. Sheet 1 – Fenchurch to Halliford; Lime to Similkameen River Sheet 2? – Vernon to KVR; Nicola to Surrey. Sheet 2? Riverside to Sunset; Vernon to Halliford. Sheet 3 – Halliford to Similkameen River; e & w of Bridge. Sheet 4 – Aspen to Halliford; Penryn to Tapton. Sheet 5? – Angela to Fenchurch; e & w of Bridge
Title: 92H007-1978-C-CM
Subdivision of Lot 44, Plan 22494, Corina Ave riverfront.
Title: 92H007-No date-D-CM
Plan 8: Legal – Corina Ave, Deblyn Park to Pine Street
Title: 92H007-1992-C-CM
BCGS 92H048 – Plan of Subdivision of Part of District Lot 1003, Deerview Crescent.KAP 46193
Title: 92H007-NoDate-C-CM
Lots in District Lot 361 – Edgewood, Grove and Ridgewood area.
Title: 92H007-NoDate-D-CM
Plan 4960 etc. Part of airport, Old Hedley Road, Jacobsen Rd. and Old Merritt Rd.
Title: 92H007-1971-D-CM
Princeton Wilson Mining Corp. Subdivion and Sanitary Sewer System inc. The Ridgeway, West Place and Tulameen Trail
Title: 92H007-NoDate-E-CM
Plan of Proposed Subdivision of Part of District Lot 1003, Lower part of Snowpatch Rd and first part of Deerview Crescent
Title: 92H007-NoDate-C-CM
Lots from Palmer Street to confluence of rivers – 1st and 2nd benches. Identical to 92H007.066 except for size.
Title: 92H007-NoDate-C-CM
Lots from Palmer Street to confluence of rivers – 1st and 2nd benches – identical to 92H007.065 except for size.