Oelrich, Richard
Marion Govett
Sarah __Albert F __John, Caroline, Grace, Gerturude, Katherine, Irene, Albert, George, Marion __Ken, Regine, Narda, Dale, Adrienne
Valley Spotlight October 10, 1950 ‘Sale of one of the oldest ranches in the district was announced when Hugh Anderson of Allenby bought the One Mile property of Dick Oelrich.// The ranch was first settled in 1893 by Dick’s father, the late A. Oelrich, who arrived in the Sim. in that year from California. The 320 acres of bottomland are considered one of the best ranches in the area. Al Oelrich ran sheep and cattle on it for many years (lately only cattle.).// Dick Oelrich took over the property in 1946 upon his return to Canada from overseas service (awarded Dem Sim* March 15, 1945). He will now live in Clearwater on the North Thompson. His mother Mrs. A. Oelrich, will be the only one in Princeton.// Mr. Anderson who operates a dairy and cattle ranch at the junction of the Allenby and Copper Mtn Road will Continue to make his home there. ‘Dusty’ Byers will operate the One-Mile Ranch for Mr. Anderson. The new ranch with its fine large hay crop will complement the large range at the Allenby ranch.
WW II veteran
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