Synon, Pat
Fifth Annual Report Okanagan Historical and Natural History Society, author: Henry Nicholson Genial old Pat Synon, a true son of the Emerald Kale, had a claim which he called the Gladstone. One day he found a particularly fine nugget which he sent to W.E. Gladstone, and he was very proud of the letter he received from the great Home Ruler in which he was thanked in courteous terms for the gift. That letter later on became famous in the camp. Whenever Pat Synon foregathered with his fellowmen in the saloons he always produced it aloud to the crowd, and each time it was a read a round of drinks would follow, and so on. W.E Gladstone was said to be a tee totaller and known to be a friend of all Irishman, and he probably would never have written that letter had he known how often it would cause his friend and admirer, Pat Synon, to fall by wayside
Fifth Annual Report Okanagan Historical and Natural History Society, author: Henry Nicholson