Title: 92-NODATE-E-LA
6B – Lots and Reserves – Tulameen to Summerland and Jura to Pennask Lake – covers 92H 09, 10,15 and 16. Same as 92H.006.
Title: 92H/NE-1969-D-RM
Tulameen – Third Status Edition – inc. timber licences – 5 copies – see also Flat Storage #2, Drawer #1.
Title: 92H/NE-1978-E-RM
Tulameen area – includes letter dated May 5, 1983 from Ministry of Environment to Mr. J.E. DeWolf re approval of lake names. Each lake is indicated on the map with matching number to the letter.
Title: 92H/NE-1978-D-RM
Tulameen – Fourth Status Edition – inc. timber licences – 2 copies
Title: 92H/NE-1978-D-RM
Tulameen – Fifth Status Edition – inc. timber licences
Title: 92H/NE-1953-D-RM
Tulameen – First Edition – inc. timber licences – see also Tube 95.
Title: 92H/NE-1958-D-RM
Tulameen -Second Edition – inc. timber licences – 2 copies – see also Tube 95.
Title: 92H/SE-1969-D-RM
Pinceton – Third Status Edition – inc. timber licences – 3 copies. (3) from Penticton Museum.
Title: 92H/SE-1948-D-RM
Princeton – First Edition – inc. timber licences – 2 copies. See also Tube 95
Title: 92H/SE-1958-D-T
Princeton – Second Edition – inc. timber licences
Title: 92H/SE-1969-D-RM
Pinceton – Third Status Edition – inc. timber licences – 3 copies. (3) from Penticton Museum.
Title: 92H/SW-1955-D-RM
Chilliwack Lake – First Edition – inc. timber licences.
Title: 92H/SW-1954-D-RM
Chilliwack Lake -Advance Copy of 92H/SW.001 – inc. timber licences.
Title: 92H002E-1915-F-IB
International Boundary 92H001/92H002/92H003 shows monument locations