Sellers, Wayne
Freda (Johnson) Sellers (Holmfridur Gunnarsdottir)
Harriet Sellers __Gordon Sellers __ __Verna, Clare, Brenda, Mona, Norma, Anne
Born August 21, 1899 in Olds Albert and died March 24 1988 He lived in Washington USA and came to Princeton 1912. He attened school at the 5 – mile (KIllarney?) At age 18 joined WWI Canadian Forces and served in Russia. After discharge located at Winnipeg. Attended Agricultural College and graduated in 1921, married Freida Johnsen in 1924 in Vancouver. He met her in College. For the next two years he worked for the Forestry Service at Tulameen. He was Pres. Chamber of Commerce 1968 – 1973 Princeton. Around 1927 he moved to Pennask Lake, ranched and raised a few heard of cattle, ran a trapline for several years and in 1938 he moved to Princeton to ranch at Jura. Siberian Expedionary Force 1918
Veteran of WWI Founding Director of Stockmen’s club Director cattlemen’s Association BC Livestock Producers Co-Op President Princeton Chamber of Commerce 1968 – 1973 One of the Founders of S. Interior Hereford Club – Life – time member.
POV Pg. 560, 561, 562, 563