Smart, Astrid Elvy (Terry/Lambert)
Birth Year:
Death Year:
Walt W. Smart
Other Family Members:
__Erik Lambert __ __James William, William James, Eric Walton, Robert Murchie, Judith Astrid
Born January 26, 1919 nr. Hodgson Man. and died August 27 1997 Postmaster at Copper Mountain from 1-8-50 to 8-4-52 Obit Astrid Elvy (Terry) August 27, 1997 1942 – 1945 Can. Armed Forces then worked for DVA in Vancouver 1948 she moved to Copper Mountain – Postmistress 1950 married Walton Smart 1952 They moved to Coamont owned and operated Coalmont Emporium
POV pg 575