Walman, Leonard Barrett
Birth Year:
Death Year:
Crystal (Walman) Mason, Moira Cornforth
Other Family Members:
__ __ __Leonard James (Jim), David Barret, Barry Francis, Patricia Elizabeth, Maureen Crystal Stephen James and Tara
Leonard Barrett Walman was born in Moose Jaw Sask. on June 23, 1916 Wilmar Crystal Mason was born on June 24, 1918 in Grand Forks BC Len and Crystal were married on February 25, 1943 and had three children He was a member of the Village Commission in 1961. He was also Secretary – Treasurer of the Royal Canadian Legion 1961 – 1985 He was a trustee for the Princeton School Board in 1964 February 1978 – awarded the Canadian Silver Jubilee Medal for Community Service
POV Pg. 616, 617 Princeton 100 Years Pg. 67 Princeton BC (1979) – Laurie Currie Pg. 71