Princeton School Grade 3
Photo of a Grade 3 class in front of old Princeton School. Names printed on back: Dudley Paul, Bobby Mullen, Jorbjarn Nelson Andy Cassa, Barbara McGrady, Laura Allin, Lillian Wilson, Anita Clalm, Teddy Tallifson, Jack Marani, Tommy Pafinich, John Racich, Audrey Aldous, Ardith Allen, Betty Kanaleik, Annie Antonich, Joan Lucas, Alga Cecan, Dianne Bysauth, Marry Esfavanik, Goldie Endall, Carol Johnson, Margie Ivecich, Donna Rines, Katie Pativich, Johnny Ray, Neil Havman, Ken Schislen, Lester McNaughton, Jian Plecash, Jack Ainliffe, Bobbie Miller, Dawnie Bernard, Ruby Carline, Earl Cornich, Jackie Powell Part of Carol Johnson family collection. 39 photographs spanning the 1920s-1950s of varying topics. To learn more of the Johnson family see “Princeton Our Valley” pg. 416 — Linus, Anette, Carol Johnson