Silver plated butter dish with domed lid
Silver plated butter dish with domed lid that slides back. Highly decorated with leaves, flowers, butterflys and dragonflys. Ornate handle that appears to have griffin heads on each side. Has a knife holder in the front, but is missing the knife. On loan from Lois Mullin, who advised that it came from her mother’s side of the family, and was brought here from England. Jamie Atkinson remembers playing with it as a child. Manufacturers stamp is interesting as it reads what appears to be 1193, and then underneath – mfd & plated by Reed & Barton. No other marks are noted, despite Reed and Barton using a series of stamps to help date their items. What is unusual is that the numbers are above the name, and yet research shows that the numbers are usually below the name. Reed & Barton was a prominent American silversmith manufacturer based in the city of Taunton, Massachusetts, operating between 1824 and 2015. Its products include sterling silver and silverplate flatware. Item looks very old, and the list of marks dating items appears to only start in 1928, so the fact this item does not have these marks may mean it was made earlier. Due to the ornate look of this item, writer is suggesting that it came from the Victorian era.