Press Release/Credits
The Community Services Recovery Fund is an investment by the Government of Canada administered locally by the United Way British Columbia, the Red Cross and the Vancouver Foundation to assist charities and non-profit organisations to adapt in response to issues exposed by the Covid pandemic.
The Princeton and District Museum and Archives Society is pleased to announce that it received $28,500 from this fund to assist in the modernisation of its operations enabling digitization of portions of its collection and establishing online access to the collection through a new website. This is a major opportunity for the Museum to transfer material from fragile and obsolete media into state-of-the-art digital records with the goal of rendering them accessible to all researchers and other interested parties directly. Development of these digital records will protect the original media from further damage and ensure preservation of their contents. The Society is now able to develop its own handicap-accessible website to enable searching through our collections as well as provide links to relevant alternate outside resources.
“The projects supported by the Government of Canada through the Community Services Recovery Fund demonstrate
that we are a caring and compassionate society that values the well-being of all its members. It is heartening to see the compassion and empathy of our citizens as they give back to those in need. Projects like the Princeton and District Museum and Archives Society’s digitization project are a testament to the power of our collective action and our ability to come together to make a positive difference in the world. I am confident that together we can make a meaningful impact on the lives of those in Princeton.”
– Jenna Sudds, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development
The Society operates on the traditional and unceded territory of the Similqmix People and is proud to have co-signed a Memorandum of Understanding to ensure that the Museum always honours and respects their values as it cares for their belongings. The Society also acknowledges the support of the Town of Princeton which enables us to maintain our responsibilities as custodians of local history.
Project concept, Design and Management by Todd Davidson. Sweat Equity, Co-designer, Engineer, Research, Editor and Fearless Base Jumper: Neal Dangerfield
Thanks to the Directors that made it happen, and the Committee that refined it: George Elliott, Terry-Dayne Beasley, Stella Holliday, Marjorie Holland and Todd Davidson. Respect and admiration to the Scrutiny team: Deb Ireland, Dianne Sterne, Eileen Brade, Stella Holliday, Lori Weisbach and Pres. Marjorie Holland. Carl Farbman (Alan Parsons) Technical Consultant.
This website was based loosely on the concepts of the Heritage Burnaby website. Thanks!