Title: 92H007-2004-F-CM
Blakeburn – British Columbia’s Forgotten Ghost Town – beside map cabinet
Title: 92H007-1949-C-CM
Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Co. Ltd. Allenby Maps – Distribution of Townsite Houses.
Title: 92H007-1926-D-CM
Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Co. Ltd. Allenby, BC showing mine buildings, houses, roads, etc.
Title: 92H007-1902-C-LA
Frank Richter Purchase Claim – lots north of Princeton – also Charles Richter, Wm Richter and Wm Lowe.
Title: 92H008-1936-E-CM
Plan of that Part of the Townsite of Hedley covered by Plans 107, 124, 137 and 175.
Title: 92H008-NODATE-B-HWY
Sketch and Key Map Showing Proposed Works in Relation with Public Road across L. 403 (Old W. H. Armstrong Lot near 5 Mile Creek on Old Hedley Road). Proposed culvert across Main Road.
Title: 92H008-NODATE-C-LA
Similkameen River east of Princeton – exact location unknown. Includes Crown Point No2 M.C.
Title: 92H008-NODATE-A-LA
Map of Lot 1835, 125A possibly in Coyneville area east of Princeton. North of Similkameen River with Wagon Road and Okanagan Water Power right of way passing through it.
Title: 92H008-NODATE-B-CM
Lots in area of One Mile (Allison) Creek – B.C. Cement Co. and United Empire Co. property etc.
Title: 92H009E-NODATE-E-RM
Okanagan, Similkameen and Ashnola Forests and Public Sustained Yield Units
Title: 92H010 to 15/1979-E-G
Geology of Nicola Group between Merritt and Princeton.
Title: 92H010-1922-E-RM
Interim Map 92H/10E Lots and Timber Licenses – Coalmont north to Pike Mountain and east to Summers Creek