Title: 92H010-NODATE-C-CM
Tulameen School District outlined on part of a lot map.
Title: 92H010-1901-D-CM
Map of Tulameen, BC 1901. 4 copies. 3 white on blue, 1 black on white on card
Title: 92H010-1914-C-CM
Plan of Subdivision of Lot 128, Yale Division, Yale District. ( Tulameen, BC). 6 copies.
Title: 92H010-1927-C-CM
Plan of Subdivision of Portion of Lot 128, Yale Division, Yale District. ( Tulameen, BC).
Title: 92H010-1956-B-HWY
Plan of Right-of-Way, Tulameen Townsite, District Lot 128, Yale Division of Yale District. Plan A.1603 Kamloops L.R.O.
Title: 92H010-NODATE-B-CM
Plan of Subdivision of the Granite Creek Townsite.
Title: 92H015-1974-D-G
Geology of Nicola Group between Merritt and Princeton – Sheet 1 of 5
Title: 92H015-1974-D-G
Geology of Nicola Group between Merritt and Princeton – Sheet 2 of 5
Title: 92H015- 1974-D-G
Geology of Nicola Group between Merritt and Princeton – Sheet 3 of 5
Title: 92H015- 1974-D-G
Geology of Nicola Group between Merritt and Princeton – Sheet 4 of 5
Title: 92H015- 1974-D-G
Geology of Nicola Group between Merritt and Princeton – Sheet 5 of 5