Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Education Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet A3 of 8, Ground Floor.
Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Education Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet A4 of 8,Main Floor.
Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Education Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet A5 of 8, Sections and Details.
Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Education Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet A6 of 8, North and East Elevations.
Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Education Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet A7 of 8, South and West Elevations, exit stairs and door schedule.
Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Education Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet A8 of 8, Kitchen Plans.
Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Education Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet M1 of 3, Sections of Ducts in Concrete Slab.
Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Educa tion Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet M2 of 3, Ground Floor Mechanical Plan.
Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Education Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet M3 of 3, Main Floor Mechanical Plan.
Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Education Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet E1 of 2, Ground Floor Electrical Plan.
Title: 92H007-1964-C-St. Pauls
St. Paul’s United Church, Stage One Christian Education Building, Princeton, BC, Sheet E2 of 2, Main Floor Electrical Plan.
Title: 92H007-1943-E-MINE
Princeton Tulameen Coal Co. Ltd. Plan of Mine in Lots 1003 and 361 – Princeton below Mine Subdivision, Tulameen River and Tulameen Avenue
Title: 92H007-1942-C-MINE
The Granby Consolidated Mining, Smelting and Power Co. Ltd. – Proposed Power Line for Princeton-Tulameen Coal Company’s Mine
Title: 92H007-1998-D-PRINC
Plans by J. E. Falkenberg Ltd. for Best Western Princeton Inn – pool plan – 2 copies. 1) May 1; and 2) May 20 revision.
Title: 92H007-1996-D-PRINC
Bains Leslie Engineering Corporation plans for Gold Lantern Inn – Mechanical Site/Pool Plan.
Title: 92H007-1993-D-PRINC
Birch Engineering Services – plans for Kal Tire addition – 3 sheets – Site Plan & Elevations, Footing and Floor Plan and Block Details & Sections.