Jim Ambrose bought his property (presumably at One Mile?) from Jimmy Brian and later sold it Ted (Theodore Clifford) Cochran (1905-1958) who lived there for a few years.
He was fined $25.00 by Magistrate Nichols for shooting a deer out of season (March 1942).
In 1945, Jim Ambrose was living at One Mile “on the Old Hoover place” and recovering from an illness.
He wrote a detailed letter to the editor defending the International Woodworkers Association – Committee for Industrial Organization (I.W.A.-C.I.O.) as the Chairman, Publicity Committee, Local 1-418 (June 1946).
He was selling shiplap and used chicken wire from his place on One Mile Road in 1948.
Similkameen Star, March 1942, page 4; July 19, 1945, page 4; June 20, 1946, page 5; July 8, 1948, page 2