Antonich, Katarina (Klisanic) “Katie”
Birth Year:
Death Year:
Peter Antonich “Pete” (1899-1983)
Sons: (1) Frank, (3) Walter (1933-2001), (5) George (1937-
Daughters: (2) Anne (Antonich) Barzal “Annie” (c.1932- ), (4) Katherine (Antonich) Peterson “Kath”
Katarina “Katie” Klisanic was born on October 3, 1900 in Karlovac, Yugoslavia. She married Peter Antonich in 1929. She died on November 19, 1978 at Princeton General Hospital.
Pete and Katie Antonich arrived in Blakeburn in 1929 and then moved to Princeton in 1936. They lived in the Lockhart house, next door to the Henry Harrison Avery family while having a home built on Allison Flats (252 Allison Avenue).
Interview (by Margaret Stoneberg, January 23, 1977)
Death registration (BC Archives); Princeton Our Valley, page 233
8 August 2024 @ 4:48 pm
Katie Antonich is my paternal grandmother so I am sharing this further information. I have birth and immigration documents if you wish.
Katarina “Katie” Klišanić was born on October 3, 1900 in Karlovac, Yugoslavia. She arrived in Halifax, Nova Scotia on December 6, 1929 and travelled by train to Vancouver to join her fiancé, Franjo Stanić (Frank Stanich, born 1900 Bribir, Yugoslavia). The two were married on December 28, 1929 and stayed in Vancouver for about a month before going to Blakeburn where Frank was employed as a coal miner. Frank had come to Canada in 1924, and it had taken him five years to save enough to bring his younger brother, Joseph (born 1906, arrived May 1929), and fiance, Katie, to Blakeburn. Unfortunately, Frank was one of the 45 men killed in the mine explosion on August 13, 1930. His brother, Joseph, was also killed in the blast. Katarina was left widowed with a child on the way. A son, Frank Anthony Stanich, was born 22 days after the explosion on September 2, 1930. She married Peter Antonich on April 9, 1932 and the couple had four more children (Anne, Walter, George, and Katherine Antonich). Pete and Katie Antonich and their five children moved to Princeton in 1936. They lived in the Lockhart house, next door to the Henry Harrison Avery family while having a home built on Allison Flats (252 Allison Avenue). She died on November 19, 1978 at Princeton General Hospital.