Annie Anderson arrived in Princeton in 1910. She gave a clever exhibition of step-dancing at a Mask Ball held for the benefit of the Red Cross on January 1, 1917. On January 17, 1917, the Similkameen Spotlight reported that the Vermilion Rebekah Lodge was busy making preparation for their annual ball on Robert Burns’ birthday, next Thursday night, January 25th, and that Annie Cunningham had consented to give an exhibition of Scottish dancing that evening. On January 25, she danced tha Highland Fling and the sword dance to hearty applause. In January 1918, she left to go to school in Spokane, WA.
She was inducted into Rebekah Lodge #24 Vermilion on September 11, 1922.
Annie Cunningham, after 15 years with B.C. Telephone, left Princeton to marry Frank Anderson of Tulsequah, BC, in 1939.
Similkameen Star, January 5, 1917 (?); January 19, 1917, page 1; January 26, 1917, page 1; January 25, 1918, page 1; August 10, 1939