Lived at One Mile Creek in 1902. In November 1902, he had a contract to haul ties for the tramway in Hedley City.
“Bob and Bill Dickson owned the next place. A couple of bachelors, they used to come to help Dad in the hayfields. Oxley Hardwick owns it now. Robert Barr was a rancher in 1899.” Ref Pr. H.S
Dickson, George M.A.B.D, son of Robert Dickson, the one-mile rancher, has been appointed minister of the parish of Fordyce, Banffshire, Scotland. He is 25 years old has had a brilliant university career.
Andrew Lee died suddenly at Bob Dickson’s cabin on One Mile Creek in April of 1904. They had both recently returned from Hedley.
Similkameen Star, July 26, 1902, page 1; November 15, 1902, page 1
Similkameen Star, April 2, 1914, page 1