1900-1901 Plumber, tinsmith, gunsmith with partner S.O Day See pictures P.975.47, Green Album, Princeton Pioneer Days. Married at Spokane, Wash. to Bertha M. Thomas of Spokane, in 1912., Ad (1912) : Skins Tanned, Heads Mounted, – Rugs See Picture D.M. French undertaker: Harold Ave. opp. Hotel Princeton Made coffins and caskets. Advt. Sim. Star 1915 Mgr. Oddfellows building 1917-18 (Ad. Sim. Star 1917-18) He was an undertaker and taxidermist Perley Russel was in the corner store. Listed Prov. Dir. 1900 Princeton Undertaker and funeral director in 1913. Shop was on Bridge St. Moved undertaking parlor, taxidermy and work shops to the building owned by Summers & Wadle on Vermilion Ave. opposite Similkameen Hotel (Feb. 7, 1913) He and Dave Day were in partnership for a number of years as Plumbers and Tinsmiths, prior to this they prospected together. (Ref: PHS) Burials – used the stagecoach or a wagon or other vehicle. Directory 1900 – Plumbers and Tinsmiths Sim Star Jan 5, 1901 – he had mining claim 5 mile creek Dec 20/1918 built a morgue
POV pg. 132 Princeton 100 Years Pg. 29 Princeton BC (1979) – Laurie Currie Pg. 29, 33