Henny ( ) Gersing was born in Stockholm, Sweden, around 1875. She married John Gersing, a railway contractor and bridgeman, and they lived in Princeton. She died on August 28, 1913 in Princeton.
The Similkameen Star reported in May 1908 that John Gersing had left for Prince Rupert to seek his fortune. However, he returned at some point and, in May 1912, the newspaper reported that he had recently moved into his new home and barbershop.
It appears that it was Henny who had opened the shop. The first advertisement ran in the May 29th, 1912, edition of the Similkameen Star: “New Barber Shop – Mrs. Gersing – Located between the Court House and the Post Office – First Class Work Guaranteed”
The barber shop was known as “New Barbershop” and Henny ran regular advertisements in the Similkameen Star from May 1912 until her death in August 1913.
In August 1918, she offered a $25 reward for the arrest and conviction of the person who stole her barber shop sign.
Her husband, John, had just returned from Coldwater Summit where he was building cars for railway contractors when she died. Her obituary describes her as “always kindly and cheerful.”
She learned art in Stockholm, Sweden.
Death registration (BC Archives); Similkameen Star, May 8, 1908, page 1; May 22, 1912, page 3; May 29, 1912, page 3; August 28, 1912, page 2; July 18, 1913, page 2; August 29, page 1 (obituary); January 22, 1915, page 2