Sellers, Harriet (Roberts)
Birth Year:
Death Year:
Gordon Sellers
Other Family Members:
__ __eldest of 12 __Ulrich, Wayne, Muriel, Feral, Clair, Wendell
Born on February 25, 1877 and passed away July 2, 1961 Member of the W.I in 1954 Of French Lineage, she was born in Conneticut (sic) USA and married Harvey Gordon Sellers in Montana May 26, 1895. Came to Canada in 1905, Alberta (Olds) and the Similkameen in 1912. Travelled through US. Also lived for a while in Washington, owned several farms here then on Old Hedley Road. She served on the school board for the 5 miles region in 1948 and was the oldest WI member until her death. Buried in Princeton
POV Pg. 558, 559, 560