Sinclair, John William
Birth Year:
Eleanor Jones
Other Family Members:
Emily Jane Sinclair __George Sinclair __eldest of 5 (3 brothers, 1 sister) Earl __Barb (Ryan), Earl George, Mareen Louise __cousin: Jack
John was born in Belvoir, Saskatchewan February 13, 1915; President L.A. R. Can Legion Branch 56; President Senior Citizens Association 1988.
Obituary Sinclair, John William memoriam
John, needing to help his dad raise the family, left school and worked road construction in Saskatchewan. Over the years he worked as a trapper, farmer, miner, logger, owned his own dairy farm and worked 20 years for the BC Forest Service as an Assistant Forest Ranger. WWII Veteran
POV pg 571-573 Coalmont Road 1989 – 1990