Died March 18, 1928 in the Princeton Hospital and was born on August 10, 1850 in Wesley Ont. On site of Bratts Garage Built the first hotel in Princeton in 1896. A liquor license was held earlier by Harry Jamieson and a hotel was started in 1895 by Captain Copp. Wallace built his quickly and Copp’s never opened. Known as the Hotel Princeton, this log hostel was the rendezvous for the Similkameen oldtimers for many years. Burnt down March 12, 1911 Prior to this he had a saloon in Granite Creek – ref: Pr. H.S. Listed Prov. Dir. 1897 as H’tl Kpr Princeton also at Granite Creek Delegate to Conservative convention August 15, 1914 at Fairview Obituary Princeton Star March 22, 1932 D.T. Editor Builder of the original Princeton Hotel citizen of Princeton since 1896 See above b & d Lived London and Ingersell Ont., lived New Westminister, Cariboo, Nicola Came to Victoria BC 1875 Built the first hotel where Pr. Garage now stands Hotel destroyed by fire 1911. Jim built a cabin in the year of the present Pr. Hotel lived there till he died. Died day of Copper Mountain BunkHouse Fire.
Reference Similkameen Star August 25, 1938