Blakeburn School class
Peggy Whitelaw’s first class, Blakeburn School, taken by Ms. Whitelaw. Coalmont Collieries, Blakeburn. . Inscription on back reads: 1937 Peggy Whitelaw’s first class & she took this picture. Back row L to R: Mike Balyck; Tom Holley; Don Pollock; Katie Balyck; Bobby La Flech; Robert Vaton; Greta Frew; Angus Crawford; Frank Barnes; Lizzie Drake; John Hunter. Second row L to R: Robert Barrass; Chum Holley; Helen Cole; Sheila Larson; ________; Cathy Drake; Rene Murray Front row L to R: Harry Littler; Molly Larson; Pat Gilmour; Dorothy Edwards.